Where Does Mega Download To Chrome

Where Does Mega Download To Chrome Average ratng: 8,1/10 8588 votes
Description: Use the chrome.downloads API to programmatically initiate, monitor, manipulate, and search for downloads.
Availability: Since Chrome 31.
Permissions: 'downloads'

Secure Cloud Storage. Click Download. If you can't do this action, the video's owner or hosting site has prevented downloads. PDFs: Right-click on the file and choose Save Link As. The file will be removed from your Downloads page on Chrome, not from your computer. Change download locations.


You must declare the 'downloads' permission in the extension manifest to use this API.


Chrome 39.0.2171.71 use mega chrome extension Also easy way to upload files, download and install they software for windows after install just copy files to folder and it will automatically upload to Mega. The download list is device-specific. If you use more than one computer or have Chrome on other devices such as your phone, display the download list on each device to see all your files. How to Download Mega.co.nz Files Using Internet download Manager or MegaDownload Manager February 26, 2014 Srinivasan Internet 29 Comments Mega the long-anticipated file sharing and cloud storage site from Kim Dotcom. In chrome, I installed the MEGA extension but the option in the extension seems to be greyed out so I can t change the download path or anything but it does save the file to the location Jeff R mentioned but not in it s compressed format.

You can find simple examples of using the chrome.downloads API in the examples/api/downloads directory. For other examples and for help in viewing the source code, see Samples.


download − chrome.downloads.download(object options, function callback)
search − chrome.downloads.search(object query, function callback)
pause − chrome.downloads.pause(integer downloadId, function callback)
resume − chrome.downloads.resume(integer downloadId, function callback)
cancel − chrome.downloads.cancel(integer downloadId, function callback)
getFileIcon − chrome.downloads.getFileIcon(integer downloadId, object options, function callback)
open − chrome.downloads.open(integer downloadId)
show − chrome.downloads.show(integer downloadId)
showDefaultFolder − chrome.downloads.showDefaultFolder()
erase − chrome.downloads.erase(object query, function callback)
removeFile − chrome.downloads.removeFile(integer downloadId, function callback)
acceptDanger − chrome.downloads.acceptDanger(integer downloadId, function callback)
drag − chrome.downloads.drag(integer downloadId)
setShelfEnabled − chrome.downloads.setShelfEnabled(boolean enabled)



To avoid duplication, the filename is changed to include a counter before the filename extension.
The existing file will be overwritten with the new file.
The user will be prompted with a file chooser dialog.
'uniquify', 'overwrite', or 'prompt'




The download's filename is suspicious.
The download's URL is known to be malicious.
The downloaded file is known to be malicious.
The download's URL is not commonly downloaded and could be dangerous.
The download came from a host known to distribute malicious binaries and is likely dangerous.
The download is potentially unwanted or unsafe. E.g. it could make changes to browser or computer settings.
The download presents no known danger to the user's computer.
The user has accepted the dangerous download.
'file', 'url', 'content', 'uncommon', 'host', 'unwanted', 'safe', or 'accepted'


The download is currently receiving data from the server.
An error broke the connection with the file host.
The download completed successfully.
'in_progress', 'interrupted', or 'complete'


integer id

An identifier that is persistent across browser sessions.

string url

The absolute URL that this download initiated from, before any redirects.

string finalUrl

Since Chrome 54.

The absolute URL that this download is being made from, after all redirects.

string referrer

Absolute URL.

string filename

Absolute local path.

boolean incognito

False if this download is recorded in the history, true if it is not recorded.

DangerType danger

Indication of whether this download is thought to be safe or known to be suspicious.

string mime

The file's MIME type.

string startTime

The time when the download began in ISO 8601 format. May be passed directly to the Date constructor: chrome.downloads.search({}, function(items){items.forEach(function(item){console.log(new Date(item.startTime))})})

string(optional) endTime

The time when the download ended in ISO 8601 format. May be passed directly to the Date constructor: chrome.downloads.search({}, function(items){items.forEach(function(item){if (item.endTime) console.log(new Date(item.endTime))})})

string(optional) estimatedEndTime

Estimated time when the download will complete in ISO 8601 format. May be passed directly to the Date constructor: chrome.downloads.search({}, function(items){items.forEach(function(item){if (item.estimatedEndTime) console.log(new Date(item.estimatedEndTime))})})

State state

Indicates whether the download is progressing, interrupted, or complete.

boolean paused

True if the download has stopped reading data from the host, but kept the connection open.

boolean canResume

True if the download is in progress and paused, or else if it is interrupted and can be resumed starting from where it was interrupted.

InterruptReason(optional) error

Why the download was interrupted. Several kinds of HTTP errors may be grouped under one of the errors beginning with SERVER_. Errors relating to the network begin with NETWORK_, errors relating to the process of writing the file to the file system begin with FILE_, and interruptions initiated by the user begin with USER_.

double bytesReceived

Number of bytes received so far from the host, without considering file compression.

double totalBytes

Number of bytes in the whole file, without considering file compression, or -1 if unknown.

double fileSize

Number of bytes in the whole file post-decompression, or -1 if unknown.

boolean exists

Whether the downloaded file still exists. This information may be out of date because Chrome does not automatically watch for file removal. Call search() in order to trigger the check for file existence. When the existence check completes, if the file has been deleted, then an onChanged event will fire. Note that search() does not wait for the existence check to finish before returning, so results from search() may not accurately reflect the file system. Also, search() may be called as often as necessary, but will not check for file existence any more frequently than once every 10 seconds.

string(optional) byExtensionId

The identifier for the extension that initiated this download if this download was initiated by an extension. Does not change once it is set.

string(optional) byExtensionName

The localized name of the extension that initiated this download if this download was initiated by an extension. May change if the extension changes its name or if the user changes their locale.


string(optional) previous
string(optional) current


Since Chrome 34.

double(optional) previous
double(optional) current


boolean(optional) previous
boolean(optional) current



chrome.downloads.download(object options, function callback)

Download a URL. If the URL uses the HTTP[S] protocol, then the request will include all cookies currently set for its hostname. If both filename and saveAs are specified, then the Save As dialog will be displayed, pre-populated with the specified filename. If the download started successfully, callback will be called with the new DownloadItem's downloadId. If there was an error starting the download, then callback will be called with downloadId=undefined and runtime.lastError will contain a descriptive string. The error strings are not guaranteed to remain backwards compatible between releases. Extensions must not parse it.

object options

What to download and how.

string url

The URL to download.

string(optional) filename

A file path relative to the Downloads directory to contain the downloaded file, possibly containing subdirectories. Absolute paths, empty paths, and paths containing back-references '.' will cause an error. onDeterminingFilename allows suggesting a filename after the file's MIME type and a tentative filename have been determined.

FilenameConflictAction(optional) conflictAction

The action to take if filename already exists.

boolean(optional) saveAs

Use a file-chooser to allow the user to select a filename regardless of whether filename is set or already exists.

enum of 'GET', or 'POST'(optional) method

The HTTP method to use if the URL uses the HTTP[S] protocol.

array of object(optional) headers

Extra HTTP headers to send with the request if the URL uses the HTTP[s] protocol. Each header is represented as a dictionary containing the keys name and either value or binaryValue, restricted to those allowed by XMLHttpRequest.

Properties of each object

string name

Name of the HTTP header.

string value

Value of the HTTP header.

string(optional) body

Post body.

function(optional) callback

Called with the id of the new DownloadItem.

If you specify the callback parameter, it should be a function that looks like this:

function(integer downloadId) {..};
integer downloadId


chrome.downloads.search(object query, function callback)

Find DownloadItem. Set query to the empty object to get all DownloadItem. To get a specific DownloadItem, set only the id field. To page through a large number of items, set orderBy: ['-startTime'], set limit to the number of items per page, and set startedAfter to the startTime of the last item from the last page.

Sibelius sounds 7.5. The first sound libraries to feature the multi-time world champion drum corps, The Blue Devils, these sounds were recorded at the world-famous Skywalker Sound scoring stage in Marin County, CA. Usenet.nl/download/Avid Sibelius v7.5 Sounds Library WiN-SYNTHiC4TE. Experience your scores in stunning clarity with the exclusive, professional-quality sound library. Collaborate more easily thanks to full MusicXML interchange support and other sharing options. With all these advancements and many more, Sibelius 7 is the fastest, smartest, easiest way to write music.

object query
array of string(optional) query

This array of search terms limits results to DownloadItem whose filename or url or finalUrl contain all of the search terms that do not begin with a dash '-' and none of the search terms that do begin with a dash.

string(optional) startedBefore

Limits results to DownloadItem that started before the given ms since the epoch.

string(optional) startedAfter

Limits results to DownloadItem that started after the given ms since the epoch.

string(optional) endedBefore

Limits results to DownloadItem that ended before the given ms since the epoch.

string(optional) endedAfter

Limits results to DownloadItem that ended after the given ms since the epoch.

double(optional) totalBytesGreater

Limits results to DownloadItem whose totalBytes is greater than the given integer.

double(optional) totalBytesLess

Limits results to DownloadItem whose totalBytes is less than the given integer.

string(optional) filenameRegex

Limits results to DownloadItem whose filename matches the given regular expression.

string(optional) urlRegex

Limits results to DownloadItem whose url matches the given regular expression.

string(optional) finalUrlRegex

Since Chrome 54.

Limits results to DownloadItem whose finalUrl matches the given regular expression.

integer(optional) limit

The maximum number of matching DownloadItem returned. Defaults to 1000. Set to 0 in order to return all matching DownloadItem. See search for how to page through results.

array of string(optional) orderBy

Set elements of this array to DownloadItem properties in order to sort search results. For example, setting orderBy=['startTime'] sorts the DownloadItem by their start time in ascending order. To specify descending order, prefix with a hyphen: '-startTime'.

integer(optional) id

The id of the DownloadItem to query.

string(optional) url

The absolute URL that this download initiated from, before any redirects.

string(optional) finalUrl

Since Chrome 54.

The absolute URL that this download is being made from, after all redirects.

string(optional) filename

Absolute local path.

DangerType(optional) danger

Indication of whether this download is thought to be safe or known to be suspicious.

string(optional) mime

The file's MIME type.

string(optional) startTime

The time when the download began in ISO 8601 format.

string(optional) endTime

The time when the download ended in ISO 8601 format.

State(optional) state

Indicates whether the download is progressing, interrupted, or complete.

boolean(optional) paused

True if the download has stopped reading data from the host, but kept the connection open.

InterruptReason(optional) error

Why a download was interrupted.

double(optional) bytesReceived

Number of bytes received so far from the host, without considering file compression.

double(optional) totalBytes

Number of bytes in the whole file, without considering file compression, or -1 if unknown.

double(optional) fileSize

Number of bytes in the whole file post-decompression, or -1 if unknown.

boolean(optional) exists

Whether the downloaded file exists;

function callback

The callback parameter should be a function that looks like this:

function(array of DownloadItem results) {..};
array of DownloadItem results


chrome.downloads.pause(integer downloadId, function callback)

Pause the download. If the request was successful the download is in a paused state. Otherwise runtime.lastError contains an error message. The request will fail if the download is not active.

integer downloadId

The id of the download to pause.

function(optional) callback

Called when the pause request is completed.

If you specify the callback parameter, it should be a function that looks like this:

function() {..};


chrome.downloads.resume(integer downloadId, function callback)

Resume a paused download. If the request was successful the download is in progress and unpaused. Otherwise runtime.lastError contains an error message. The request will fail if the download is not active.

integer downloadId

The id of the download to resume.

function(optional) callback

Called when the resume request is completed.

If you specify the callback parameter, it should be a function that looks like this:

function() {..};


chrome.downloads.cancel(integer downloadId, function callback)

Cancel a download. When callback is run, the download is cancelled, completed, interrupted or doesn't exist anymore.

integer downloadId

The id of the download to cancel.

function(optional) callback

Called when the cancel request is completed.

If you specify the callback parameter, it should be a function that looks like this:

function() {..};


chrome.downloads.getFileIcon(integer downloadId, object options, function callback)

Retrieve an icon for the specified download. For new downloads, file icons are available after the onCreated event has been received. The image returned by this function while a download is in progress may be different from the image returned after the download is complete. Icon retrieval is done by querying the underlying operating system or toolkit depending on the platform. The icon that is returned will therefore depend on a number of factors including state of the download, platform, registered file types and visual theme. If a file icon cannot be determined, runtime.lastError will contain an error message.

integer downloadId

The identifier for the download.

object(optional) options
integer(optional) size

The size of the returned icon. The icon will be square with dimensions size * size pixels. The default and largest size for the icon is 32x32 pixels. The only supported sizes are 16 and 32. It is an error to specify any other size.

function callback

A URL to an image that represents the download.

The callback parameter should be a function that looks like this:

function(string iconURL) {..};
string(optional) iconURL


Open the downloaded file now if the DownloadItem is complete; otherwise returns an error through runtime.lastError. Requires the 'downloads.open' permission in addition to the 'downloads' permission. An onChanged event will fire when the item is opened for the first time.

integer downloadId

The identifier for the downloaded file.


Show the downloaded file in its folder in a file manager.

integer downloadId

The identifier for the downloaded file.


Show the default Downloads folder in a file manager.


chrome.downloads.erase(object query, function callback)

Erase matching DownloadItem from history without deleting the downloaded file. An onErased event will fire for each DownloadItem that matches query, then callback will be called.

object query
array of string(optional) query

This array of search terms limits results to DownloadItem whose filename or url or finalUrl contain all of the search terms that do not begin with a dash '-' and none of the search terms that do begin with a dash.

string(optional) startedBefore

Limits results to DownloadItem that started before the given ms since the epoch.

string(optional) startedAfter

Limits results to DownloadItem that started after the given ms since the epoch.

string(optional) endedBefore

Limits results to DownloadItem that ended before the given ms since the epoch.

string(optional) endedAfter

Limits results to DownloadItem that ended after the given ms since the epoch.

double(optional) totalBytesGreater

Limits results to DownloadItem whose totalBytes is greater than the given integer.

double(optional) totalBytesLess

Limits results to DownloadItem whose totalBytes is less than the given integer.

string(optional) filenameRegex

Limits results to DownloadItem whose filename matches the given regular expression.

string(optional) urlRegex

Limits results to DownloadItem whose url matches the given regular expression.

string(optional) finalUrlRegex

Since Chrome 54.

Limits results to DownloadItem whose finalUrl matches the given regular expression.

integer(optional) limit

The maximum number of matching DownloadItem returned. Defaults to 1000. Set to 0 in order to return all matching DownloadItem. See search for how to page through results.

array of string(optional) orderBy

Set elements of this array to DownloadItem properties in order to sort search results. For example, setting orderBy=['startTime'] sorts the DownloadItem by their start time in ascending order. To specify descending order, prefix with a hyphen: '-startTime'.

integer(optional) id

The id of the DownloadItem to query.

string(optional) url

The absolute URL that this download initiated from, before any redirects.

string(optional) finalUrl

Since Chrome 54.

The absolute URL that this download is being made from, after all redirects.

string(optional) filename

Absolute local path.

DangerType(optional) danger

Indication of whether this download is thought to be safe or known to be suspicious.

string(optional) mime

The file's MIME type.

string(optional) startTime

The time when the download began in ISO 8601 format.

string(optional) endTime

The time when the download ended in ISO 8601 format.

State(optional) state

Indicates whether the download is progressing, interrupted, or complete.

boolean(optional) paused

True if the download has stopped reading data from the host, but kept the connection open.

InterruptReason(optional) error

Why a download was interrupted.

double(optional) bytesReceived

Number of bytes received so far from the host, without considering file compression.

double(optional) totalBytes

Number of bytes in the whole file, without considering file compression, or -1 if unknown.

double(optional) fileSize

Number of bytes in the whole file post-decompression, or -1 if unknown.

boolean(optional) exists

Whether the downloaded file exists;

function(optional) callback

If you specify the callback parameter, it should be a function that looks like this:

function(array of integer erasedIds) {..};
array of integer erasedIds


chrome.downloads.removeFile(integer downloadId, function callback)

Remove the downloaded file if it exists and the DownloadItem is complete; otherwise return an error through runtime.lastError.

integer downloadId
function(optional) callback

If you specify the callback parameter, it should be a function that looks like this:

function() {..};


chrome.downloads.acceptDanger(integer downloadId, function callback)

Prompt the user to accept a dangerous download. Can only be called from a visible context (tab, window, or page/browser action popup). Does not automatically accept dangerous downloads. If the download is accepted, then an onChanged event will fire, otherwise nothing will happen. When all the data is fetched into a temporary file and either the download is not dangerous or the danger has been accepted, then the temporary file is renamed to the target filename, the state changes to 'complete', and onChanged fires.

integer downloadId

The identifier for the DownloadItem.

function(optional) callback

Called when the danger prompt dialog closes.

If you specify the callback parameter, it should be a function that looks like this:

function() {..};

Where Does Mega Download To Chrome Computer


Initiate dragging the downloaded file to another application. Call in a javascript ondragstart handler.

integer downloadId


chrome.downloads.setShelfEnabled(boolean enabled)

Enable or disable the gray shelf at the bottom of every window associated with the current browser profile. The shelf will be disabled as long as at least one extension has disabled it. Enabling the shelf while at least one other extension has disabled it will return an error through runtime.lastError. Requires the 'downloads.shelf' permission in addition to the 'downloads' permission.

boolean enabled



This event fires with the DownloadItem object when a download begins.


chrome.downloads.onCreated.addListener(function callback)
function callback

The callback parameter should be a function that looks like this:

function( DownloadItem downloadItem) {..};
DownloadItem downloadItem


Fires with the downloadId when a download is erased from history.


chrome.downloads.onErased.addListener(function callback)
function callback

The callback parameter should be a function that looks like this:

function(integer downloadId) {..};
integer downloadId

The id of the DownloadItem that was erased.


When any of a DownloadItem's properties except bytesReceived and estimatedEndTime changes, this event fires with the downloadId and an object containing the properties that changed.


chrome.downloads.onChanged.addListener(function callback)
function callback

The callback parameter should be a function that looks like this:

function(object downloadDelta) {..};
object downloadDelta
integer id

The id of the DownloadItem that changed.

StringDelta(optional) url

The change in url, if any.

StringDelta(optional) finalUrl

Since Chrome 54.

The change in finalUrl, if any.

StringDelta(optional) filename

The change in filename, if any.

StringDelta(optional) danger

The change in danger, if any.

StringDelta(optional) mime

The change in mime, if any.

StringDelta(optional) startTime

The change in startTime, if any.

StringDelta(optional) endTime

The change in endTime, if any.

StringDelta(optional) state

The change in state, if any.

BooleanDelta(optional) canResume

The change in canResume, if any.

BooleanDelta(optional) paused

The change in paused, if any.

StringDelta(optional) error

The change in error, if any.

DoubleDelta(optional) totalBytes

The change in totalBytes, if any.

DoubleDelta(optional) fileSize

The change in fileSize, if any.

BooleanDelta(optional) exists

The change in exists, if any.


During the filename determination process, extensions will be given the opportunity to override the target DownloadItem.filename. Each extension may not register more than one listener for this event. Each listener must call suggest exactly once, either synchronously or asynchronously. If the listener calls suggest asynchronously, then it must return true. If the listener neither calls suggest synchronously nor returns true, then suggest will be called automatically. The DownloadItem will not complete until all listeners have called suggest. Listeners may call suggest without any arguments in order to allow the download to use downloadItem.filename for its filename, or pass a suggestion object to suggest in order to override the target filename. If more than one extension overrides the filename, then the last extension installed whose listener passes a suggestion object to suggest wins. In order to avoid confusion regarding which extension will win, users should not install extensions that may conflict. If the download is initiated by download and the target filename is known before the MIME type and tentative filename have been determined, pass filename to download instead.


chrome.downloads.onDeterminingFilename.addListener(function callback)
function callback

The callback parameter should be a function that looks like this:

function( DownloadItem downloadItem, function suggest) {..};
DownloadItem downloadItem
function suggest

The suggest parameter should be a function that looks like this:

function(object suggestion) {..};
object(optional) suggestion
string filename

The DownloadItem's new target DownloadItem.filename, as a path relative to the user's default Downloads directory, possibly containing subdirectories. Absolute paths, empty paths, and paths containing back-references '.' will be ignored.

FilenameConflictAction(optional) conflictAction

The action to take if filename already exists.

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Google Chrome is a marvel of modern web browser technology. You can configure it to anticipate your search requests, correct your spelling, record your search history, remember passwords and much more. Google Chrome also keeps track of your downloaded files, and it can display a list of your recent downloads. This can be a lifesaver when you need to retrieve that recently downloaded PDF, PowerPoint presentation or any other file and you just can't find it. With a few simple commands, you can display a list of your recent Google Chrome downloads.

Display Your Chrome Downloads

The three vertical dots in the upper right-hand corner of your Chrome browser ‒ the so-called 'hamburger menu' ‒ open a list of commands and options within Chrome. Click on it to open a list of the customization options and then click on 'Downloads' to display a list of your recent download activity. Use the Search box at the top of the page to search through the listed files and quickly find what you're after.

Where Does Mega Download Files Chrome

Alternatively, you can use the 'My Downloads' keyboard command. Press Ctrl + J (hold down the Ctrl key and the J key at the same time) to accomplish the same result and display the download list.

Lastly, your downloads are stored in a folder on your computer that is typically named Downloads. Use your computer's file directory to examine the files in this folder as another way of viewing recent download activity.


  • The download list is device-specific. If you use more than one computer or have Chrome on other devices such as your phone, display the download list on each device to see all your files.

Other Download Options

You can use the Settings option on the hamburger menu list (the Settings command is distinct from the Download command) to change the default location on your computer where downloaded files are stored. For example, Chrome ordinarily saves files in a default folder named 'Downloads,' but you can change the default to 'Pictures,' 'Documents' or any other folder of your choosing.

You can also use Settings to tell Chrome to ask you each time you download a file where you want the file to be saved. Why does ps4 have to download game first.

Other Chrome Settings

Google Chrome has a host of customization options, including storage and a display of bookmarks, appearance on opening, and synchronization between computers and other devices. Use the Settings option to explore your choices, and click on the Advanced option if you're really feeling adventurous.

References (3)

About the Author

David Sarokin is a well-known Internet specialist with publications in a wide variety of topics for small businesses, from the best uses of information technology to the steps for incorporating your business. As a small business owner himself, he brings an experienced perspective to all his work. He is the author of Missed Information (MIT Press, 2016), detailing how our social systems like health care, finance and government can be improved with better quality information, and is working on a new book on the future of corporations.

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What Is Mega App

Sarokin, David. 'How to See Recent Downloads on Google Chrome.' Small Business - Chron.com, http://smallbusiness.chron.com/see-recent-downloads-google-chrome-78633.html. 06 August 2018.
Sarokin, David. (2018, August 06). How to See Recent Downloads on Google Chrome. Small Business - Chron.com. Retrieved from http://smallbusiness.chron.com/see-recent-downloads-google-chrome-78633.html

Where Does Mega Download To Chrome

Sarokin, David. 'How to See Recent Downloads on Google Chrome' last modified August 06, 2018. http://smallbusiness.chron.com/see-recent-downloads-google-chrome-78633.html

Google Chrome Free Download

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