Super Smash Bros Ultimate Soundtrack Download

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Super Smash Bros. Original Soundtrack

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Album name: Super Smash Bros. Original Soundtrack
Number of Files: 28
Total Filesize: 83.40 MB
Date added: Nov 25th, 2006
Released on: Nintendo 64

New! Download all songs at once: click to download
Your browser does not support HTML5 Audio!
TrackSong NameMP3
101.opening1:261.69 MB
103.congo jungle stage2:493.24 MB
104.hyrule castle stage2:162.82 MB
105.planet zebes stage2:042.49 MB
107.pop land stage2:412.77 MB
108.sector z stage2:052.30 MB
109.Saffron City Stage2:252.71 MB
110.Muschroom kingdom stage (unlockable)2:222.66 MB to play2:493.67 MB screen1:211.64 MB mode2:333.11 MB
114.character introduction stage0:420.87 MB
115.a challenger appears0:100.11 MB
118.the prize0:170.25 MB
119.character select0:470.90 MB
120.meta crystal2:503.24 MB
121.bonus game1:552.56 MB
122.lose bonus game0:090.13 MB
123.duel zone1:452.14 MB
124.continue0:120.15 MB over0:120.17 MB
126.ending point2:092.35 MB
127.all clear1:111.34 MB
128.ending~staff roll2:353.15 MB mix how to play4:286.52 MB mix bonus game5:197.46 MB mix training mode4:276.26 MB
205.sound effects collection18:1516.71 MB
Total:1h 12m83 MB


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Submitted by Guest
Rating: 5/10
Colonel Toad:Company.. Sound off!
Toad brigade march and sings:Oh the aim of our patrol, is a question rather droll, for to march and drill, over field and hill
(they trumpet)
Colonel Toad:Is a military goal!
Toad brigade:Is a military goal. with a Hup, two, three, four, dress it up, two, three, four, By the ranks or single file, over every jungle mile, oh we stamp and crush through the underbrush
[Sailor Mini Moon trumpets]
Sailor Mini Moon: In the militaly style!
Toad brigade: In the military style

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 5/10
Colonel Toad:Company.. Left Face!(Three of the Seven Toads and one Peach turns left.)
L.T. Akane:March, march, march. my feet are killing me.
Peach:I'm putting in for a transfer to another herd.
Colonel Toad:Silence in the ranks!(Toad soldiers kept quiet while Colonel Toad started to look at the back) dress up that line!

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 5/10
It appears Yoshi got the Smash ball. then he does the egg roll, yoshi bomb, yoshi's kick, double tail whip, flutter kick(looks like Peach suited in green stamps her feet), and headbutt. finally, Yoshi is now become Super Dragon.

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 10/10
Pop land stage is the best music i've ever heard. the only Kirby remix with this is called 'Falcon Punch'. the music video of it was Kirby using Falcon Punch at the Scary Trees, while Kirby Tsukino brings Sailor Moon back to life. plus, Kirby shakes the wand and uses Pink Sugar Heart Attack at the Witch who looks like King Dedede. it looks like Yuki Nagato Kirby uses Falcon Punch at Nephrite.

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 10/10
Evil Witch:And because you've been so good to poor old Granny. I'll share a secret with you. This is no ordinary apple. It's a magic wishing apple.
Sailor Moon:A wishing apple?
Evil Witch:Yes! One bite and all your dreams will come true.
Sailor Moon:Really?
Evil Witch:Yes, girlie! Now, make a wish and take a bite.
Rini:I have to go this way. it's my only hope.
Evil Witch:There must be something your little heart desires. Perhaps there's someone you love.
Sailor Moon:Well, there is someone.
Evil Witch:I thought so. I thought so. Old Granny knows a young girl's heart. Now, take the apple, dearie, and make a wish.
Sailor Moon:I wish-- I wish--
Evil Witch:That's it. Go on. Go on.
Rini:I hope i'm not too late.(the Scary Trees pulls Rini's dress) huh? oh, this is a tree state of affair(Rini uses Moon Prism Power to become Sailor Mini Moon) Moon Prism Power!(the transformation music from Sailor Moon Super S plays, while Rini is about to become Sailor Mini Moon) Pink Sugar Heart Attack!(Sailor Mini Moon uses Pink Sugar Heart Attack at the Scary Trees and run away)
Sailor Moon:.and that he will carry me away to his castle.. where my parents will live happily ever after.
Evil Witch:Fine! Fine! Now, have a bite.
Sailor Mini Moon:I have to go hurry before they see me.(Sailor Mini Moon keeps using Pink Sugar Heart Attack)
Evil Witch:Don't let the wish grow cold!(Sailor Moon takes a bite of the Sleeping Apple)
Sailor Moon:Oh! I feel strange.
Evil Witch:Her breath will still. Her blood congeal.(Sailor Moon fainted, Evil Witch laughs evilly) Now I'll be fairest in the land!(Evil Witch continues evil laugh)
Sailor Mini Moon:Not so fast! keep your hands off of Sailor Moon!
Evil Witch:Who are you?
Sailor Mini Moon:I am the one who is trapped by the Scary Trees. but, I am the hero of Love and Justice, Sailor Mini Moon! and in the name of the moon, I shall punish you!
Evil Witch:I'm trapped. What will I do? The meddling little female fools! I'll fix ya! I'll crush your bones!
Sailor Mini Moon:crush this! Please, Pegasus! protector of dreams! Crystal Twinkle Bell!(Pegasus comes out and Sailor Mini Moon rides on the Pegasus) Charge!(Sailor Mini Moon uses Moon Gorgeous Meditation at the Witch)

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 10/10
Autumn:Eww, gross. got wet Toad dick all over my shoes.
Bowser:This is what they'll be after. they can't have it, understand?(Nidoking understands) that putrid ninja turtle is soon to be ancient history, i mean to keep him that way, understood?(Nidoking understoods) Understood?!(Bowser stomps Nidoking with one foot and he's hurt) Then, get going now!(Alley Koop's army are moving out)

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 8/10
I like them. The songs are cool. I loved playing smash bros. all the songs were awesome. I even played the other two smash bros games.

Submitted by gussy667
Rating: 4/10
missing files :(
more specifically, 116 - c. falcon's victory.mp3, 117 - ness's victory~battle results.mp3 and 201 - club mix yoshi's island stage.mp3 are all dead links. boo to that!

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 5/10
It appears Yoshi got the Smash ball. then he does the egg roll, yoshi bomb, yoshi's kick, double tail whip, flutter kick(looks like Peach suited in green stamps her feet), and headbutt. finally, Yoshi is now become Super Dragon.

Submitted by kirbyluiginess
Rating: 8/10
What I think of obtaining the Super Smash Brothers sound track is kind of iffy iffy because 1. This is not a brawl sound track, this is the SSb N64 sound track, just saying. But, BUT! When I obtained it it was great. Better than the game itself if you ask me. 2. All I care for is music. This is quality music here.

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 5/10
I liked this album, lol, it made me get reminded of my childhood days lol, I miss n64 now ts like broken doesn't work :( oh well.

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 9/10
FYI to the domain owner:
The Following Song Files Are Missing from the Super Smash Brothers OST:
10 6
20 1

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 1/10
Not. The. Original. There, I said it!

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 1/10
you need to add final destination!

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 5/10
The tracks that work sound great but some tracks are missing or aren't downloading correctly.
For example, Congo Jungle Stage downloads with no problem and is only a little over three megs.
Yet, Peaches Sky Castle downloads, doesn't play and it's size is a tiny four hundred twenty eight bytes!
Obvious ly the file size is so small because something else is taking it's place, whatever it is, I don't know, but it isn't an audio file.
Would make sense if it was a zipped file but it's not.
So at least half the tracks work but many do not, might wanna fix that.
Otherwis e, great upload.

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 8/10
Where's the pop land (the name is actually Dream Land) song??? The link doesn't work.

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 4/10
Missing Music from Peach's Castle and Yoshi's Island is my only complaint besides that this track is excellent.

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 9/10
Vincenzo: O.K. This Time, I'll Do A Real Review.
Vinc enzo: Wow. This Is A Great Start For The Smash Bros Series.. It Doesn't Have the Orchestra Music In The Future, But.. It Has Missing Songs.
Music: They Tried To Make Is Like In the Future But It's Not Like It. The Music Is Just Alright, But The Best Music I Like Is, The Ending And Staff Roll Music. It's Like I Was In Heaven And I Am Dead.
Overal l, I Give It A 9/10.

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 10/10


Super Smash Bros. Original Soundtrack

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Album name: Super Smash Bros. Original Soundtrack
Number of Files: 28
Total Filesize: 83.40 MB
Date added: Nov 25th, 2006
Released on: Nintendo 64

Torrentz2 search engine 2018. Torrent Links Disappear From Torrentz2. But the site only lists file details and no links to third-party sites where these can be downloaded. TorrentFreak reached out to the operator to. Wait till it completely downloads (right click on the file and choose 'Open containing folder' to find it) * To sort your torrents, right click on the torrent file – Label and enter the name you wish or choose from the default ones.

New! Download all songs at once: click to download
Your browser does not support HTML5 Audio!
TrackSong NameMP3
101.opening1:261.69 MB
103.congo jungle stage2:493.24 MB
104.hyrule castle stage2:162.82 MB
105.planet zebes stage2:042.49 MB
107.pop land stage2:412.77 MB
108.sector z stage2:052.30 MB
109.Saffron City Stage2:252.71 MB
110.Muschroom kingdom stage (unlockable)2:222.66 MB to play2:493.67 MB screen1:211.64 MB mode2:333.11 MB
114.character introduction stage0:420.87 MB
115.a challenger appears0:100.11 MB
118.the prize0:170.25 MB
119.character select0:470.90 MB
120.meta crystal2:503.24 MB
121.bonus game1:552.56 MB
122.lose bonus game0:090.13 MB
123.duel zone1:452.14 MB
124.continue0:120.15 MB over0:120.17 MB
126.ending point2:092.35 MB
127.all clear1:111.34 MB
128.ending~staff roll2:353.15 MB mix how to play4:286.52 MB mix bonus game5:197.46 MB mix training mode4:276.26 MB
205.sound effects collection18:1516.71 MB
Total:1h 12m83 MB


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Submitted by Guest
Rating: 5/10
Colonel Toad:Company.. Sound off!
Toad brigade march and sings:Oh the aim of our patrol, is a question rather droll, for to march and drill, over field and hill
(they trumpet)
Colonel Toad:Is a military goal!
Toad brigade:Is a military goal. with a Hup, two, three, four, dress it up, two, three, four, By the ranks or single file, over every jungle mile, oh we stamp and crush through the underbrush
[Sailor Mini Moon trumpets]
Sailor Mini Moon: In the militaly style!
Toad brigade: In the military style

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 5/10
Colonel Toad:Company.. Left Face!(Three of the Seven Toads and one Peach turns left.)
L.T. Akane:March, march, march. my feet are killing me.
Peach:I'm putting in for a transfer to another herd.
Colonel Toad:Silence in the ranks!(Toad soldiers kept quiet while Colonel Toad started to look at the back) dress up that line!

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 5/10
It appears Yoshi got the Smash ball. then he does the egg roll, yoshi bomb, yoshi's kick, double tail whip, flutter kick(looks like Peach suited in green stamps her feet), and headbutt. finally, Yoshi is now become Super Dragon.

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 10/10
Pop land stage is the best music i've ever heard. the only Kirby remix with this is called 'Falcon Punch'. the music video of it was Kirby using Falcon Punch at the Scary Trees, while Kirby Tsukino brings Sailor Moon back to life. plus, Kirby shakes the wand and uses Pink Sugar Heart Attack at the Witch who looks like King Dedede. it looks like Yuki Nagato Kirby uses Falcon Punch at Nephrite.

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 10/10
Evil Witch:And because you've been so good to poor old Granny. I'll share a secret with you. This is no ordinary apple. It's a magic wishing apple.
Sailor Moon:A wishing apple?
Evil Witch:Yes! One bite and all your dreams will come true.
Sailor Moon:Really?
Evil Witch:Yes, girlie! Now, make a wish and take a bite.
Rini:I have to go this way. it's my only hope.
Evil Witch:There must be something your little heart desires. Perhaps there's someone you love.
Sailor Moon:Well, there is someone.
Evil Witch:I thought so. I thought so. Old Granny knows a young girl's heart. Now, take the apple, dearie, and make a wish.
Sailor Moon:I wish-- I wish--
Evil Witch:That's it. Go on. Go on.
Rini:I hope i'm not too late.(the Scary Trees pulls Rini's dress) huh? oh, this is a tree state of affair(Rini uses Moon Prism Power to become Sailor Mini Moon) Moon Prism Power!(the transformation music from Sailor Moon Super S plays, while Rini is about to become Sailor Mini Moon) Pink Sugar Heart Attack!(Sailor Mini Moon uses Pink Sugar Heart Attack at the Scary Trees and run away)
Sailor Moon:.and that he will carry me away to his castle.. where my parents will live happily ever after.
Evil Witch:Fine! Fine! Now, have a bite.
Sailor Mini Moon:I have to go hurry before they see me.(Sailor Mini Moon keeps using Pink Sugar Heart Attack)
Evil Witch:Don't let the wish grow cold!(Sailor Moon takes a bite of the Sleeping Apple)
Sailor Moon:Oh! I feel strange.
Evil Witch:Her breath will still. Her blood congeal.(Sailor Moon fainted, Evil Witch laughs evilly) Now I'll be fairest in the land!(Evil Witch continues evil laugh)
Sailor Mini Moon:Not so fast! keep your hands off of Sailor Moon!
Evil Witch:Who are you?
Sailor Mini Moon:I am the one who is trapped by the Scary Trees. but, I am the hero of Love and Justice, Sailor Mini Moon! and in the name of the moon, I shall punish you!
Evil Witch:I'm trapped. What will I do? The meddling little female fools! I'll fix ya! I'll crush your bones!
Sailor Mini Moon:crush this! Please, Pegasus! protector of dreams! Crystal Twinkle Bell!(Pegasus comes out and Sailor Mini Moon rides on the Pegasus) Charge!(Sailor Mini Moon uses Moon Gorgeous Meditation at the Witch)

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 10/10
Autumn:Eww, gross. got wet Toad dick all over my shoes.
Bowser:This is what they'll be after. they can't have it, understand?(Nidoking understands) that putrid ninja turtle is soon to be ancient history, i mean to keep him that way, understood?(Nidoking understoods) Understood?!(Bowser stomps Nidoking with one foot and he's hurt) Then, get going now!(Alley Koop's army are moving out)

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 8/10
I like them. The songs are cool. I loved playing smash bros. all the songs were awesome. I even played the other two smash bros games.

Submitted by gussy667
Rating: 4/10
missing files :(
more specifically, 116 - c. falcon's victory.mp3, 117 - ness's victory~battle results.mp3 and 201 - club mix yoshi's island stage.mp3 are all dead links. boo to that!

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 5/10
It appears Yoshi got the Smash ball. then he does the egg roll, yoshi bomb, yoshi's kick, double tail whip, flutter kick(looks like Peach suited in green stamps her feet), and headbutt. finally, Yoshi is now become Super Dragon.

Submitted by kirbyluiginess
Rating: 8/10
What I think of obtaining the Super Smash Brothers sound track is kind of iffy iffy because 1. This is not a brawl sound track, this is the SSb N64 sound track, just saying. But, BUT! When I obtained it it was great. Better than the game itself if you ask me. 2. All I care for is music. This is quality music here.

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 5/10
I liked this album, lol, it made me get reminded of my childhood days lol, I miss n64 now ts like broken doesn't work :( oh well.

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 9/10
FYI to the domain owner:
The Following Song Files Are Missing from the Super Smash Brothers OST:
10 6
20 1

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 1/10
Not. The. Original. There, I said it!

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 1/10
you need to add final destination!

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 5/10
The tracks that work sound great but some tracks are missing or aren't downloading correctly.
For example, Congo Jungle Stage downloads with no problem and is only a little over three megs.
Yet, Peaches Sky Castle downloads, doesn't play and it's size is a tiny four hundred twenty eight bytes!
Obvious ly the file size is so small because something else is taking it's place, whatever it is, I don't know, but it isn't an audio file.
Would make sense if it was a zipped file but it's not.
So at least half the tracks work but many do not, might wanna fix that.
Otherwis e, great upload.

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 8/10
Where's the pop land (the name is actually Dream Land) song??? The link doesn't work.

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 4/10
Missing Music from Peach's Castle and Yoshi's Island is my only complaint besides that this track is excellent.

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 9/10
Vincenzo: O.K. This Time, I'll Do A Real Review.
Vinc enzo: Wow. This Is A Great Start For The Smash Bros Series.. It Doesn't Have the Orchestra Music In The Future, But.. It Has Missing Songs.
Music: They Tried To Make Is Like In the Future But It's Not Like It. The Music Is Just Alright, But The Best Music I Like Is, The Ending And Staff Roll Music. It's Like I Was In Heaven And I Am Dead.
Overal l, I Give It A 9/10.

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 10/10

Super Smash Bros Ultimate Characters

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